Jiranan Oh Panlanatiyarak

As the visionary founder and social entrepreneur at the helm of Mydemy, Jiranan is at the forefront of revolutionizing the educational landscape and broadening access to opportunities. Under his leadership, Mydemy has emerged as a transformative platform, committed to addressing crucial United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reduced Inequalities.

Jiranan leads a dynamic and diverse team, including two accomplished women co-founders, fostering an inclusive environment that is reflective in Mydemy’s ethos and operations. This inclusive approach has been instrumental in shaping a platform that not only educates but also bridges gaps in opportunity and access.

As Mydemy continues to grow, Jiranan is actively forging partnerships with Thai universities and collaborating with international startups. These efforts are focused on securing better job schemes, higher pay, and diverse opportunities for Thai talents, particularly those who are traditionally outreached. His work is a testament to the power of education and collaboration in empowering individuals and driving economic growth, especially in a globalized job market.